
Olivia Goes West - Chapter 8

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That evening Bridget and Tony prepared a nice meal of potato salad, with a generous helping of cheese from the rally to go with it.

"Y'know, I never thought I'd say it, but I think Waul's really turned over a new leaf," Bridget said as they were discussing the rally, "An' that Ratigan fellow's so charmin'."

Olivia frowned, slowly nibbling on some cheese. She couldn't believe Ratigan and Waul were able to fool everyone, even after Waul had done the same thing before.

"I wouldn't believe it for a second if it weren't for da fact dat Wylie's supporting them," Tony replied, "Makin' Waul da new Sheriff like dat? Pretty bold, ya gotta have confidence for something like dat."

"Olivia, I saw you there with Tiger and Filly," Bridget said, turning to their new foster child, "What did you think? Isn't it grand someone finally came into town to do something about the way we're livin' here?"

Olivia was silent for a while. They wouldn't believe her if she told them the truth. Besides, tomorrow, she and Fievel were going to take care of everything themselves.

"I guess they seem nice to me…" she lied.

Tony chuckled, "Ya gotta remember she's 12 years old, Bridge. How much did you care about politics at dat age? We're probably boring her to tears."

"I cared a lot about politics at that age, thank you very much." Bridget replied, "Those British cats were causin' a cheese famine in Ireland back then, and I was very outspoken against it."

"Well we can't all be as politically-inclined as you." Tony said, rolling his eyes, "As fer me I was too busy trying to get enough to eat to worry about elections and all dat."

"Yes I know, the hard streets of New York. And every night you were sleepin' in Orphan Alley. Saints be praised we ain't got problems like that in this town."

Olivia rested her cheek on her fist and slowly ate, not feeling as hungry as she should have given that she'd had nothing but a sandwich all day. But, not to be rude at her first dinner at the Toponi household, she ate until the plate was clean.  

"May I be excused from the table?" Olivia asked, before confessing, "I'm awfully famished, I didn't sleep too well las' night, I was scared, y'see…"

"Oh you poor lass," Bridget said with sympathy, "I know this has gotta be the hardest time in yer life. We're here for ya. If you wanna go to bed early, just wash up and get ready first. An' try to think about happy things."

Olivia nodded and got up, heading to the bathroom to take a quick bath (with the curtains to the window closed tight). She then changed into her nightgown, brushed her teeth, and headed to bed, hoping that her sheer exhaustion would outweigh her fears tonight. Cuddling the teddy bear her daddy made for her, she curled up beneath the covers, slowly dozing off.

At the Mousekewitz house, Cat R. Waul's change of heart was the talk of the table over dinner.

"Bah, I don't care vhat anybody says, a cat is still a cat," Papa said skeptically, folding his arms.

"You weren't there Papa, Wylie Burp himself thinks Waul's changed," Tanya argued, "I know he tried to kill everyone, and I was ready to never trust him again, but…I guess I always knew there was at least a little good in him, even if it was buried deep."

"He did give us zis nice slice of cheese vhen ve vere running low," Mama chimed in.

"And when I got in line to get the cheese slice, Waul said something to me about getting me a job as a saloon singer again," Tanya said, a certain dreamy air in her voice, "He promised he'd make sure it was tasteful and not too provocative, and I wouldn't be forced to do anything I didn't want to."

"I don't like ze idea of you being gawked at by those drunkards," Papa protested.

"But I need the job experience if I wanna be a singer someday! And Tony, he'll be there to shoo out anyone who tries anything. Plus, we really need the money, you said so yourself it's hard being the only one working in this house. And besides, I'm 16 years old now Papa, isn't it about time I started taking care of myself?"

Papa rubbed his temples, turning to Fievel, "Fievel, do me a favor please. Don't ever become a teenager."

Fievel ate his cheese, trying to keep out of the conversation. What Tanya was saying scared him though. He didn't want his sister getting mixed up with Waul and Ratigan. But what could he say? If he started trying to warn everyone, he and Olivia would have even bigger targets on their backs. He needed solid proof first.

"Fievel's already on his way there," Tanya said teasingly, "He's already got a girlfriend."

"I do not!" Fievel denied angrily.

"Hehe, do so," Tanya giggled, "Maybe you just don't know it yet. I think you and Olivia are cute together."

"Cute?!" Fievel did think he liked Olivia, but he wasn't in the mood to be teased for it by Tanya, nor to have the embarrassment of his parents finding out.

"Vouldn't you rather marry a nice Jewish girl?" Mama asked.

"Aw Mama, who we are shouldn't get in the way of love," Tanya said, "Besides, do you know any other Jews in this town besides us?"

"Eh, ve knew ve vould be sacrificing some of our traditions vhen ve came to America," Papa said, having already somewhat come to terms with it, "Olivia may be a gentile but she's a nice girl. Just don't forget who you are and vhere you come from, my boy."

"Nobody but Tanya said she was my girlfriend, and she's just trying to make fun of me," Fievel said irritably, his face turning red.

"I think ve're embarrassing him." said Papa, clearing his throat and deciding to change the subject, "Anyvay, Tanya, I don't like you trusting zat Cat R. Vaul character, but, you do have a few points. It vould be nice to have some more income. Maybe ve'll talk about it some more later."

"Really Papa, you mean it? He offered to let me try out tomorrow." Tanya said with a smile.

"Zen I vill go vith you, but if I see so much as a hungry look from Vaul, ve're leaving, and zat is zat."

Tanya giggled, "Don't worry Papa, I'll be on my guard too. That Ratigan guy will probably be there too and he's a mouse, I think…maybe he's a rat. But still."

Fievel had pulled his hat down low to hide his blushing face, and quietly finished up his dinner before putting his dishes away. It was his turn to do the dishes again, since Tanya had done them yesterday, so he cleaned all of the plates and cups in the sink before walking back to his room. Usually he'd spend time with his family after dinner, but tonight he didn't want any part in what they were probably going to discuss. He couldn't believe Tanya was falling for Waul's tricks again. Her and everyone else for that matter. Wylie's word carried a lot of weight, sadly.

For Fievel, bedtime had been a lonely and worrisome time the last two nights. Sleeping on the floor was worth it if he knew Olivia was safe. But tonight, after having gotten up earlier than usual, he fell asleep with more ease when the time came. And he would have slept through the whole night peacefully.

That is, if he wasn't awoken suddenly by a bat stuffing a rag into his mouth, and fastening tape over it.

With a raspy voice, Fidget chuckled, holding Fievel down as he squirmed and tried to scream, "Alright kid, I want quiet outta you, heh heh heh, I'm just gonna borrow you for a while. I don't wanna have to blow your mousey brains out if you try anything stupid."

The more high pitched cackle of Chula flowed into the room through the window.

"Alright, out of the way Fidget, I'm gonna spray him."

Fidget pulled Fievel's covers back. Fievel darted out of the bed to run for the door, but before he could try to get away Chula covered him in sticky spider web. Climbing in through the window, he wrapped Fievel up tightly. Fievel was terrified. What were they going to do with him now?

"Now it's time to give my old friend Olivia a little visit." Fidget said.

They dragged Fievel out the window, still struggling and grunting as Chula carried him on his back. They scurried down the street to the Toponi household, where Olivia lay sleeping peacefully.

"Aww hehe, isn't she just adorable?"  Chula chuckled, peering through the window, "We'll grab her the same way we caught Fievel here, except you're carrying this one."

"That should bring back fond memories, heh heh."

Fidget moved to go lift the window, only to find that it was locked.

"Dammit, girl's smarter than I thought. Now what?"

"Hmmm…" Chula thought, "Eh, she's bound to surrender without makin' too much noise if she knows we've got her boyfriend."

"Heh heh, alright, hold the kid up to the window."

Fidget tapped on the window a few times. Inside, Olivia flicked her ears in her sleep, groaning a little before she awoke sleepily, and happened to look out the window. Her eyes widened. Fievel was being held up by that nasty tarantula, wrapped in web like a mummy with his mouth gagged, gazing at her with pleading eyes. A scream threatened to well up from her throat before she saw Fidget, putting his wing to his lips before running it across his throat, a threat to stay quiet or else. Her nightmare had come true. Trembling, she walked to the window, and opened it.

"Wh-what do ye want? You let Fievel go!"

"Shhh, no wakin' anyone up." Fidget said, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Boss just wants to talk to ya."

"You scoundrel, how dare ye treat Fievel this way! You give back me daddy!"

"Shuddup and come with us kid, or we'll gag you and wrap you up like your friend here," Chula threatened, "And if you really cause trouble, boss says he won't mind much if we kill you, so long as we don't make it look suspicious, hehehe. And I know if I decided to eat you guys I wouldn't leave a trace."

Olivia gulped, and opened the window wider, climbing through, barefoot and still in her nightgown. She could see the glimmer of tears running down Fievel's cheeks in the moonlight. She'd never seen Fievel scared before; without his bravery it was harder for her to feel brave too. All the same she wished she could comfort him just as he'd comforted her the past few days.

"Smart move kid, now just follow us to the saloon. No funny business."

"But people will see us at the saloon, won't they?" Olivia asked, as they walked, "Tony's there now, ain't he?"

"It's four in the morning kid, the place is closed. Hehehe." Chula replied, "Waul took the saloon back from Miss Kitty this evening, since it's legally his. Now shut up."

Olivia thought it best to keep quiet, since the two of them had basically been given permission to kill…and with Waul as Sheriff, nothing would be done about it. She had trouble walking down the road barefoot, being pained by little pebbles. She didn't know how Fievel did it.

Fidget and Chula took them through the large swinging doors, into the bar meant for cats. The room was empty, save for a solitary table. Waul sat at a chair eating a carrot, exercising his new vegetarian diet, while atop the table Ratigan sat on a smaller chair, puffing on a cigarette through a long filter. Chula grabbed both of the children, Olivia by the arm, and made his way up a leg of the table while Fidget flapped his way up to the surface.

"Why hello there my old friend, so nice of you to drop in on such short notice," Ratigan said with a devious chuckle.

"I was hoping you weren't too…'tied up' at the moment," Waul quipped, eyeing Fievel.

Chula cut through the web with his hands, and violently ripped the tape from Fievel's mouth making him squeak in pain. Olivia ran to him and gripped his arm.

"What do ye want, Ratigan?!" Olivia yelled.

"Quiet my dear Olivia, if you were to wake any of the tenants upstairs I might be forced to be cross with you," Ratigan said, "And you don't want that."

"At any rate," said Waul, "To answer your question, we only brought you here for a little chat. We thought that tonight we could bury the hatchet, as it were."

"I don't know about burying no hatchet Cat R. Waul," Fievel said, "But I know you've got Wylie Burp and Olivia's papa kidnapped somewhere, and you better let them go!"

Ratigan and Waul laughed.

"Oh why whatever do you mean?" Ratigan asked, "I haven't seen Mr. Flaversham since that little incident in London a while back. If your father went missing again dear Olivia, don't blame me. He probably got eaten by some wild animal."

"You're lying!" Olivia shot back.

"I most certainly am not, little girl," Ratigan answered, "What would I want that old toy maker for anyway? I assure you it's a complete coincidence that you and I have met again, way out west."

"I don't believe you, ye got him locked up somewhere's." Olivia said, hoping she was right.

"Look, you and I got off on the wrong foot," Ratigan said, "We brought the two of you here tonight in order to offer a truce, you see. No one around here has ever heard of me, no one knows what I did back in England. I'd prefer it to stay that way."

"What makes ye think I'll keep yer secret, jus' so as you can go back to bein' a rotten old sewer rat like ye were back then, hurtin' people?"

Ratigan's eyes flashed with anger, but he cleared his throat, "I'd prefer not to be referred to as that species, thank you. As for your question, what makes me think you'll decide to keep quiet is the fact that Waul and I are very powerful. He's the sheriff, soon I'll be the mayor. We'll put up with the two of you, we'll even let you live happily and play freely without fear of being kidnapped again. As long as you keep your mouths shut, and let us go about our business. Because if you don't, I'm sure you can imagine that with Waul as sheriff, your disappearance…won't be looked into by the authorities."

Olivia frowned, "You're threatenin' us. Now we know ye ain't changed."

"Oh my dear Ms. Flaversham, but I have changed," Ratigan said, puffing a smoke ring, "I've grown smarter."

Olivia's face went red with anger as she balled her fists.

"Whatever your plan is, you're not gonna get away with it." Fievel said angrily.

"I suppose we should be frightened, Ratigan." Waul said with a smirk, "Face it, child, you only beat me with the help of Wylie Burp and that moron Tiger. Without Wylie, you don't stand a chance against my associates and I."

"And in any case," Ratigan said, "I believe we've made ourselves perfectly clear. Let us hope this is the last such meeting we'll ever have. We won't be so generous next time. Chula, Fidget, escort these children back to their respective homes."

"Sure thing bosses, heh heh…" Fidget chuckled, grabbing Olivia by the arm.

"And Olivia?"

Olivia turned to face Ratigan again, angrily.

"My condolences on the death of your father. But, that's life. That's what being on the bottom of the food chain means for us mice. Usually, anyway…"

Ratigan looked up at Waul with an evil grin.

"He ain't dead," Olivia said, blinking back tears of anger as Fidget glided to the floor while holding her, and Chula carried Fievel away.

"Right then," Waul said to Ratigan, rubbing his paws together, "Now that the children know their place, everything is back to going according to plan."

"Hm, I still don't like the idea of those little brats running around, knowing far too much." Ratigan said.

"Oh, I'm a gentlecat of my word though. I figure why not give the little pests a chance? A single chance."

"I'm sure the opportunity to eliminate them will present itself sooner or later, we just need to wait." Ratigan said.

"It's bit risky," Waul replied, "We'll just make sure Chula and Fidget keep a close enough eye on them. We'll monitor their every single move, and we'll strike as soon as they do anything suspicious..."

The two of them continued to plot and scheme, unaware of the pair of tiny emerald green eyes watching them from atop a ceiling fan above their table, scribbling in her notebook as she did so.
After watching Pixar's "Brave" I think I'm getting a better hang of Scottish accents, lol.

Poor Olivia and Fievel though, they're going need to be in therapy for years when they get older after going through all this. Anyway, neither of them are ones to let something like this make them give up. They still have Wylie's tip-off, and they still have Tiger and Nellie on their side.
© 2012 - 2024 Surenity
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Blueassassin996's avatar
with you bringing up Tiger I can Imagine him going into Psycho mad dog mode on Waul and Ratigan sometime in the future.